
sometimes i really hate school.

Life and me are not doing so hot right now.

I feel like the list of things to do is never ending, and my motivation to do them is about 0.

School is beating me up this semester, and I have a feeling next semester will be exactly the same.

I never get to be home with Kev, and he has been so supportive and positive with me being up at the school til all hours of the night. He usually even surprises me with dinner or crepes when I get home.

...and i don't deserve it because I have been an ornery unhappy person the last few weeks. sometimes I just want to be 10 years old again. Life was so easy back then. growing up is hard, and sometimes almost everyday all day I could burst into tears at any second.

so now i'm going up to school to work on my never ending homework. see you maybe never again.


  1. I am sorry Ash :( we need to come up and have a girls night! Get you away from the stress of life.

  2. I don't think life gets any easier once you get out in the real world, sorry to disappoint you! Robert wants me to tell you to look for the little joys in life, and my advice, if you need to burst into tears once in a while that is okay too! We love you.
    We will make you dinner anytime you and Kevin want to come down!

  3. Oh, I wish we were closer! Sorry life is so crazy for you right now. I promise this crazy school mumbo-jumbo will pass!


you make me happy.