

 So I think I have kind of been in denial. 
I haven't blogged about this topic because I secretly hoped the day would never come.
What day is this that I am referring to?

The day these four ladies leave on their missions.

Jessica: Winnepeg, Canada
Hali: Vladivostok, Russia
                   Laura: Lubbock, Texas                

Don't get me wrong. I am so excited and proud of them for choosing to dedicate 18 months to serving our Heavenly Father, but I also don't want to be missing four best friends for that long.

I don't know what I'm going to do with my life not having these girls around for a year and a half.
Seriously though.

Today Chane and Jessica both entered the MTC, next week is Hali (same day as Haley Jeanne's Wedding!), and one month from that is Laura.

 I think I could count at least twenty girls that I know right now that are leaving on missions this summer.
It is crazy. Crazy talk I tell you.
I need married friends people!

But on a more serious note. I really am so proud of these girls. 
They have been the best example to me and I am truly blessed to have had them as roommates and to be my best friends for life.....cause its happening.

The world better get ready for some serious converting, because our church is sending some solid and amazing sisters out to teach of the gospel these next few months.


Class of 2012

I have some pretty darn exciting news. 
Wanna hear it?

I graduated....from college!!!

(Insert crazy loud I don't know what to do with my life now scream)
This is crazy talk. I never thought the day would come.

There will be more to come on this exciting subject later. 
Because I know you are all dying to hear about it.