

ok. maybe I am an exagerater?
I have had a very productive day since that last post.
I am so proud of myself right now.
Woke up and went to my 8:30 class.
Went to the admissions office and did my office hour.
I got a new windshield for the Bu.
Then took it and got inspections done.
(it passed with flying colors!)
Good job Buick.
While I was waiting for the car to get done, I went over to Walmart.
Got some groceries.
Then Hobby Lobby to buy a book for a photo journal for my class.
Came home ate a healthy lunch, staightened up my room, and confirmed my Follow Up Visit for Friday.
Now I have to walk up the horrid hill to my last class.
Late classes stink by the way.
Who wants to come out of class and walk home in the dark?
I don't.
Thanks Mike for calling me off work this morning. I was able to get a lot done!
Hooray for productive days.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ashley!! I just caught up on your blog, sounds like you are doing well and being super productive. I'm so glad the buick is still running and passing inspections. That is a stellar car. I hope she is keeping you warm in Logan. I dont know how you survive.


you make me happy.