
Splendid News.

Wonder of Wonders! Miracle of miracles!
(song from Fiddler on the Roof)

Yes...this magnificent song has been stuck in my head since I looked up my grades on my transcript.
So here is the story. My lovely counselor advised me to take Evolution-Biology 3010. Because it would fulfill two of my gay breadth requirements. So of course I thought wow, kill two birds with one stone! That will be wonderful, no it was not wonderful folks. In fact it was the extreme opposite of wonderful. I can officially say I hate evolution. It IS a theory. (that is the main thing I learned during this devil class). Luckily I had the wonderful Jessica Sweat and Madeline Newhouse in the class to suffer along with me, because without them I think I would have died.

So after months of extremely hard tests and writing ridiculous papers with very very very strict guidelines, all while trying really hard to sound scientific (which for me is very hard because I am definitely not scientifically minded) I just found out I got a


Why am I cheering for such a bad grade?
Well because this is not a bad grade when you think you aren't going to pass the class.

People of the world I cannot tell you how much of a relief this is!!!

It is a wonder of wonder! Miracle of Miracles!
I don't know how I did pass!

Thank you Bill Brindley for giving me a passing grade..I am sorry I cursed your class almost everyday this last semester. You really are a nice old man.

But evolution you are still stupid.


  1. Oh Ash, I am so glad you passed. Hooray! I agree evolution is stupid...

  2. Congrats! Funny how your perspective of grades changes in college! You should check out my transcripts:)


you make me happy.