
Young Victoria.

Attention World.
If you have not seen this little beauty of a movie. Run to Redbox right now and get it.
I'm serious Run.

If you are like me and love old movies such as Pride and Prejudice, North and South, Emma, Sense and Sensibility....this movie is for you.
Even if you don't like old movies as mentioned above this movie is still for you.
(Haley Jeanne)
I went and got it from red box when I was staying at the Crocketts last week while they were out of town and I watched it one and a half times monday night, then I watched it the next night, and the next day and almost every night until I just barely returned it today.
At this rate I could have bought it for what I owe redbox now. But that is ok. It was worth it.
I will own it one day.
Because I
Oh and did I mention I pretty much love Albert? One day I will have an Albert of my own.
Until then I will just watch this movie over and over.
As should you.


  1. I agree with you, I love, Love, LOVE this movie as well! I also hope to own it one day!

  2. I saw this last night, I Loved it too!

  3. Thanks for watching it without me pea. Now I have to wait until I come home to see it.... depressing

  4. Ash! I just watched this movie this past weekend with my roommates and it is now one of my top favorite movies EVER!!! I love, Love, LOVE it too!!

  5. cute blog! thanks for following me {i'm following you now!}

    next time i get a free hour i'll run to get this. i love these stories so i'm excited!

    xoxo, jamie


you make me happy.