
We had a birthday at our house...

A few weeks ago we celebrated Kevin's 26th Birthday!!! 
And yep, I am barely getting around to blog about it. But I have a good excuse, since we moved in to our new apartment we haven't gotten internet, so it makes blogging just a wee bit difficult!

I decided to surprise Kevin with a cute thing I saw on pinterest...where you buy the number of Balloons   for however old the person is turning and then add reasons of why you love them on the bottom of each balloon! I thought it was kind of fun... And who doesn't like getting balloons on their birthday?  
Am I right??

(Oh and please disregard our poor little bedroom, it hasn't received any love in the decorating department yet...hopefully it will soon)

 We spent the night enjoying delicious Cheesecake Factory and when we got home I realized he hadn't been sang to yet...so we put a candle in a Lindt Truffle and I sang Happy Birthday to him!!

I am so grateful to have this boy in my life, he is amazing and I would be a mess if I didn't have him by my side each day!!!! 
Happy 26th Husband!!
 I Love You!

1 comment:

you make me happy.