
Seeing Red.

So I have some exciting news.
I finally found a job! 

Can I get a Hallelujah!? 

It is an awesome full time position as a cashier/ice cream scooper/bulk packager at a brand new little store called Apple Creek Bulk Food Company. 
In fact we are having the grand opening this coming Monday Oct. 1, 2012.

The only downside to this job is that it is located exactly 35 minutes from my house in Willard. But the perks to having a job on the other side of the canyon is that I get to drive through the magnificent thing twice everyday and see sights like these below.

Seriously, you can't complain much about this.

 Sardine Canyon is the most red I have ever seen it. It is gorgeous. So gorgeous in fact, that I am not missing summer one ounce right now....and that is saying something, because I am in love with summer. 

But for now this crisp fall air is making me one happy girl. 
Bring on the boots, blankets, and trick or treaters!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures Ash! The fall colors do make it easier to drive to work, I am sure!


you make me happy.