Sunday night Hali and I decided it was a good night to fall asleep to a movie on the the trusty old lap we are looking through her netflix account for something to watch she says we could watch lost....Why Why Why!?? Why would we ever do this to ourselves!

I have always thought LOST looked like a good show but never watched it when it first came out and was always to lazy to rent the seasons to watch them. Lucky for us Hali has a sweet netflix account so we can watch it anywhere anytime. Awesome right?
No. Not awesome. Especially the week before finals. We are so dumb.
Pretty sure the last four days we have watched 17 episodes....and when we aren't watching the amazingly addicting show we are thinking about it or dare I say dreaming about it.
Finals why do you have to get in the way of our new obsession?? You have hit us at a very inconvienant time.
I cannot wait until the blessed day comes when school. Until then I say DIBS on Jack.
HAHA! Me and Meg did this with Dexter last semester. It took over our lives!