Alright so life since spring break has been going a million times faster then I would like it to. School is kinda killin me right now...really though.
But, Good news! There is only four more weeks until school is our for the Summer. That is crazy talk but oober exciting.
Katie Jo, Laura Luke, Haley Jeanne, and I are all staying up here in Logan for the summer months. And word on the street is Logan is the bomb during the summer.
Because school has been a mad house of craziness since i got back from California I have had hardly anytime to blog about my Spring Break festivities.
California was Amazing.
California IS Amazing.
Here is a condensed version of our S.B 2010 Itinerary:
Saturday: Wake up too early, Drive to Cali while trying not to get killed by killer tumble weed. Meet some cool Utah guys and get their numer while driving past vegas after we held up a Stop looking at the porn sign to them.

The Killer Tumble Weed...coming right up around that next bend.
Sunday: Went to a local singles ward which had really good speakers, walk down the hollywood walk of fame, find out its not as cool as you imagine cause lots of weirdos go there. Go the the Observatory that overlooks L.A's skyline.

I like to call this one Rabid Chip Munk.

Look Framiliar? This is where they filmed the Jog/Photography Club scene in Yes Man. This is us pretending to be the extra's in the movie.
Monday: Huntington Beach, it was so warm and wonderful.
Sunburns. Sand Castles. Sun Glasses.

That night we went to Dana Point and had a camp fire. We roasted hot dogs, mallows, and laid on the beach looking up at the stars while making up raps and almost peeing our pants. The boys we met on the freeway came and they were really cool.

Tuesday: The girls and boys seperated for the day while the boys went to a brazilian restaurant and the girls went shopping in old town Pasadena. We love H&M...just sayin.

Cute little Cupcake shop.
Later we met up with the boys in China was kinda boring.
Bought cool friendship bracelets.

That night we met the cool freeway boys at Santa Monica Pier. It was a lot of fun.
We stuffed our faces with Crepes. Played in the ocean at night. And met more kids from utah, and one that was in High School Musical. Score!

These are the cool boys.
Wednesday: St. Patricks day and Disneyland!!!

You can't tell by our faces but we were all pretty bitter towards Rain Forest Cafe. We waited for a table for about an hour and twenty minutes...the original wait time was 45.
Thursday: Disneyland again! Hooray!

Heads popping off with excitement.
Friday: Newport temple, and Laguna beach.

The Newport Beach Temple is beautiful. It was an amazing experience.
Saturday: Six Flags.

Needless to say it was kind of a crapper. We only got to go on four rides the whole time.
Saw a whole lot of W.T.
But yet the roller coasters were still awesome..except when Laur and I got stuck on one for ten minutes.
It was such a fun trip!!! I am so glad we got to go.
California, someday I would like to live in you? On you?...but only for a little bit cause I would get homesick for Utah. Because Utah is pretty spectacular, except when it snows on April 1, 2, and 5.