So the Girls of P.V 4 decided we wanted to throw the lovely Hali Hesley a Surprise Party because her birthday was just kind of a pooper....problem was her birthday was on January 5th. And our intentions were to do it a week after, but that did not happen. So... better late then never right? On February 5th a month after her birthday we threw her a very late but very much deserved Surprise Belated Birthday Party! It was pretty dang successful...because she had absolutely no idea. Muahaha! We had our friend ask her on a "date" and when they got together he blind folded her and said it was part of date and she couldn't see where they were going. Little did she know he drove her back to our apartment...and we surprised her!
Here are some sweet little pics of the partaay.

She had absolutely no clue. We are good liars.
Hello Kitty Cake. Made by the famous Jessica Sweat.

Happy Birthday Hali Mariko Hesley! I am so grateful snow hall put us together last year! It has been a fun year and a half...and hopefully many more years to come.
So fun! What good roommates you are.