
I can feel the sun on my face.

Today has been a beautiful day.

The sun was shining and

All I wore to school was a cardigan...and I starting getting hot.

I have been waiting for this day the last four 1/2 months.

Welcome Spring. We would like you to stay.

Plus I got an A on my Art History test.

That always helps any day go better.


Dear Kevin,
Can this be our life moto?

Love, {from}


Ms. Laura Luke made a comment Saturday night that pretty much sums up my entire life.

She said.
The Four things that give Ashley the chills.
-Harry Potter Previews
-Pretzel Delight
-The Holy Ghost
-Grandma Clothes

and its totally true.


an epic day.

This year St. Patrick's Day might have been my best St. Patricks Day yet.
No not because I found a real leprechaun.
Because I got to witness a Guinness World Record take place.

Utah State is pretty darn cool.
Our Physics department dropped 20,000 Bouncy Balls from a Helicopter!
Yes my friends. I said it.
20,000 bouncy balls.

This crazy phenomenon cause my roommates and I to revert back to our 9 year old selves.
We were running around throwing frisbees, getting in peoples pictures, yelling random craziness.
And Laura and Kailey started an extreme yo-yoing team.

The Sun was Shining and it was a beautiful day.

I finally got to see the green laser!!!!!
I was walking on campus last night after doing some homework,
I looked up into the sky and there it was.
I have waited all three years to see the laser beam in the sky and I finally saw it.
It made me smile all the way across campus.
It was a good day.

mission call.

This beautiful lady Katie Jo Parker.
Received her mission call!

She will be serving in the Guatemala, Guatemala City Mission speaking Spanish!
She leaves June 29....one day before the wedding :(
But we are all so excited for her!
This year has brought many many changes to the Ivy House.
3 of us will be gone next year...
I think we are all starting to realize it.
We have been staying up later to have little girl talk sessions like we used to
when we were young freshies and sophomores.

I can't believe how fast these three years have gone by.
We are going to be seniors in college next year.
How did that happen?

Congratulations Katie Jo.
You are going to an amazing missionary.
I look up to you so much and am so grateful we have been
able to live together the last two and a half years!


i dislike tests.

Something is wrong with me.
I can't focus.
and this is a problem.
because i have a big fat test tomorrow that I desperately need help with.
I have been trying to study for the past hour and a half.
I can't do it.
Someone needs to kick me in the face.
I am also home alone right now and just got entirely freaked out by a cars lights driving by and projecting a scary light on the walls that I thought was a person? weird.
now my heart is

I think i might have momentary add.
its bad.
teachers who give tests the day before spring break are kinda mean.


Lunch with the Robe.

Today Roberto was up at USU for the Career Fair.
Luckily my MWF schedule is really easy and I only have 2 classes.
We went to lunch at this little Greek Restaurant.
It was greasy and delicious.

Next week Robert will have been part of our family for 10 years.
I can't believe it has been that long.
My how time flies.

I'm so lucky to have such amazing brother and sister inlaws.
Thanks Robert for taking me to lunch and always laughing at dumb youtube videos with me.
You are the best and i'm not kidding....
just kidding.
(inside joke)