a pretty little thing.

it actually happened.
If someone told me I was going to marry Kevin Young 5 years ago I would not believe them.
Nope I would not.
So you are dying to hear the story right??
Well Saturday night I drove to Salt Lake.
Kev and I had planned on having a little low key date night where we would make a little dinner, exchange Vday gifts, and then whatever we felt like next..nothing to big.
I had a hunch that it might happen this weekend....but Kev is a big lie face and kept telling me he didn't have a ring, and that we should go look a few more places and if we couldn't find the one we wanted he would custome make one and surprise me with the design. Throughout the week I kept wondering with some of the things he would say if this had anything to do with him proposing...but then I would convince myself that it was probably just me fabricating it all in my head because I wanted him to ask me so badly...hahah I could be a detective I am that good. So after the entire ride down to SLC thinking about how I should react if it happened tonight and little hints I could look for to know if it was going to happen that night or not I finally get home.
Kev knocks at my door. I open it up and to see his handsome face and a nice button down shirt I never have seen him wear before...hint number 1. Then being the observant person that I am I notice he is holding a little white box in his hands.....
I avoid looking at that little white box with every fiber of my being. He then goes on to say that he is super excited to give me my valentines present and can't wait for me to open it. He then hands me the little white box. By this time I am freaking out just a bit..I asked kev what it was and was being very hesitant to open it. He told me it wasn't what I thought it was, it ended up being a cute little pair of Pearl earrings. He explained how he got a super good deal at Sierra West a few weeks ago because the guy really wanted him to get something since he wasn't going to get a ring from them....at this point I am relieved but kind of really bummed because I knew that meant he wasn't proposing tonight and that I had made up all those little signs in my head.
We go to the kitchen, he opens up his gift, we talk about dinner and what we should make and while I am asking my mom on the phone about a recipe he tells me he forgot his phone out in his car...
He comes back from the car holding a little black book. So of course I ask what it is. He tells me to come to the living room, sits me on the couch and hands me the mysterious black book and says to read it outloud...
By this point I was just confused because he gave me the earrings already...that meant he wasn't proposing tonight.
I proceed to open the book and there is a picture of kevkevs face and it starts out into a little poem story of how we met and started dating....
To make a long story short he ended up proposing to me at the end of the story and pulled out a beautiful ring that I was deathly scared of looking at. But when I did I fell in love...not with kevin, the ring.
It was my dream ring! I had been day dreaming a bout a ring like this since I saw a pretty picture of one on a photo blog. My dreams came crashing down when a sales lady at one of the many ring stores we went to told me it made my finger look fat. I was crushed. So we started looking at more traditional rings after that.
When he put the ring on my finger I was so shocked that it was the wide band ring it almost didn't make sense, I couldn't wrap my brain around it. It is so beautiful and unique he did such a good job picking it out!
Anyways after about an hour of just the two of us talking we decided we should probably let some people know of our exciting news. We called my parents and went to see kevs parents.
After visiting with them we were famished remember at the beginging of the story we were supposed to make dinner? Well we never did. So we decided to go to Johnny Carinos. This was the place we went to on our very first date. They were so nice to us and all the waitresses kept coming over and telling us congratulations, asking to see me ring, and our waiter even gave us free dessert.
It was delicious.
And neither of us could stop smiling. Getting engaged is fun.
I recommend it for all.
Its insane to think that I have been engaged for a week and two days. I don't feel old enough for this craziness. But I am so insanely happy and I couldn't ask for a better fiance.
So mark your calenders.
P.S Dear lady who told me the ring made my finger look fat...maybe I like having fat fingers.

he likes the symphony.
Yesterday was kind of crazy and I didn't have time to write this.
But it was sort of a special day.
This boy Kevin Grant Young turned 24.
I can't believe it.
Its not very often that the boy you had a major crush on but was entirely out of your league your whole life..ends up asking you on a date...
I thought all my dreams had come true the night of our first date.
I was content because I got to go on a date with THE Kevin Young.
and then to my surprise and I still don't know why to this day.
He kept asking me on dates.
He is just so amazing and I am so grateful to have him in my life.
I'm so glad he gave me a chance, cause I think he is just great.
Happy Birthday Boy!