
homecoming. hockey. rain. cold. scones and dreams.

Events of the last week.
Picture Style.

As you can tell. We sometimes get bored and have to think of things to entertain our poor bored souls.

Homecoming weekend was spectacular.
Word on the street is my true aggie status has changed.

My sisters also came up for the homecoming game and other festivities.
To our surprise we ended up all leaving the game early due to
excessive amounts of rain fall that soaked us to our skibbies.

It sure made for a fun adventure though.

P.S. Can you spot Gandalf the White in one of these pictures?
Hali Mariko Hesley you slay me.

Delicious Memories.

One of my favorite parts of the fall is eating carmel apples.

They are delicious.

Carmeled Apples always remind me of a certain person.

My grandpa Startup.

His candy company would make them and they were probably the best I have ever eaten.

I always loved halloween time cause it meant we would be getting carmeled apples from him.

Two years ago my grandpa passed away and this month he would have turned 92. I can't believe how fast its gone by.

I love my grandparents so much...they have always been such amazing examples to me of love and service.

This month a couple of my sisters have blogged about my grandparents and it has just made me realize how much I miss my grandpa.

Especially this time of year.

I know my grandma misses him so much. She is such a trooper.


the weekend.s.

Dear Fall Break,
You went by to quickly.
Please come back.
Sincerely, Ashley

Kev got to come up friday night and it was just lovely.
We went to a corn maze, carved some pumpkins, laid in a hammock that was up in a tree. Then sat by the warm cozy fire.

These days I pretty much live for the weekends.
Because weekends=Hanging out with Kevin.

I kinda like this boy.

a lot.

and it stinks that we live 82 miles away from each other.

As you can see from the pictures above he is a pretty funny boy.
And I miss him.

Sometimes when I see cute couples on campus holding hands I have to restrain myself from chucking my shoe at them. They don't know how lucky they have it.
Little poop heads.

Hope you had a great fall break too!
its friday tomorrow. so i am quite excited.

p.s. tomorrow is true aggie night.
i think i might have to convince a certain someone to make me a true aggie.
because that is one tradition i am fulfilling before i graduate.


Cinnamon Candles. Red Leaves. Crisp Air. Scarves.

(I wrote this beginning part a couple weeks ago. Please forgive me as I am to lazy to change it)

Sometimes I forget how much I love fall.
Today amidst my craziness I was out taking pictures for an assignment when Grandma G. came outside. While talking to her she said that the girls and I must go and pick the peaches from our little peach tree in the backyard. She said she already picked the ones on her side and that if we didn't pick them soon she would come get the rest.
Yesterday she turned 95.
Talk about amazing.
Good work little Peach Tree. Your peaches were delightful.

Not to mention the good pictures you gave me for my digital class.


This weekend is fall break.
Fall Break makes me want to bake cookies. Wrap up in a blanket. Turn on some warm melodies. And read a good book.

Hopefully after coming up with a stellar idea for my killer midterm assignment I will get a chance to do this....it feels like it will never end.

One last thing.

Have you tried these?

They are weirdly delicious.


Happy Fall.